Finding quality and compliance solutions doesn't have to be difficult. To get started all it takes is three simple steps and you'll be on your way.
Phone Call
Our support staff will call you at your convenience to schedule an introductory meeting.
Confirm and relax
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+1.503.841.3211 / [email protected]
Quality and Compliance Solutions LLC was founded by Philippe Cornet to help small to mid-sized food, beverage, and nutritional supplement companies meet the needs of regulators and their customers. The Food Safety Modernization Act and the Global Food Safety Initiative have raised the standards and made auditing routine. Many companies face a multitude of audit standards from their customers, third parties, and government regulators. QCS is here to help, our team is familiar with most popular standards like BRC, Organic, SQF, and cGMP.
Our staff is also knowledgeable in the more specialized commodities with strict regulatory standards like seafood, juice, low-acid/acidified foods. We can perform the same audit or inspection then address the gaps with corrective and preventive actions before your next high-stakes visit.
Our team routinely evaluates, creates, and revises our clients:
QCS is a Portland based company. Operating out of our home office significantly reduces our expenses, and we pass that savings on to you. Clients located outside the local service area can still take advantage of our services, we remain price competitive in these markets as well. Learn how we can help you with quality and compliance solutions.
We work with many different types of customers: